About Us


Our Story

The London School of Muralism (LSoM) is an independently run course being developed by Artmongers - experts in high impact participatory muralism in South East London and abroad. Other professional artists in the field are also contributing in the learning process of the students.

Over a period of eighteen months, we run three courses with up to 36 students receiving a scholarship each. This was our pilot programme after which, we complete the course model most likely to deliver successful artists with high impact in the communities they would like to work on.

We have been supported by Goldsmiths, GLA, Lewisham Council and three hundred Lewisham residents who contributed through our Spacehive Campaign. Other supporters have include Brewers Paints and Network Rail.

During each seven months long intensive course, the students learn a variety of skills with which they can initiate their own projects and follow through from beginning to end. Our focus is to transmit our knowledge in participation, engaging other groups in the creative process and delivering two highly impactful public facing murals at the end of the course.

We want the students to further their skills to develop and sustain their own practices as well as contributing to future conversations communities might need to have in shared public spaces.

Rooted in South East London, the tutoring artists, led by Patricio Forrester, come from the Fine Arts: Lionel Stanhope was originally a scenic artist and now turned street artist; Adee (Artful Dodger) started as a name writer graffiti artist then turning to muralism via a collaborative & participatory approach. Gary Drostle is a mosaic & mural artist also working with communities to develop public artworks.

His 'n' Hers mural by Artmongers - Deptford


Our Funders


Alongside many kind donations from individuals, the London School of Muralism has been made possible with backing from the following funding partners:

Goldsmiths University of London
Supported using public funding by Arts Council England
Mayor of London
Brewers Decorator Centres
Lewisham Council